Native American spiritual meaning of hummingbird: Tribal beliefs  

native american spiritual meaning of hummingbird

Native American spiritual traditions hold the hummingbird in high regard, seeing it as a symbol of joy, love, and healing. The small size and delicate beauty of the hummingbird are often associated with innocence and purity, while its quick movements and bright colors represent life, energy, and vitality.

The Native American spiritual meaning of the hummingbird and its symbolism play various roles in one’s life, depending on the tribe and region.

In many Native American myths and legends, the hummingbird is a messenger of the spirit world, bringing messages of hope and guidance. Some tribes believe that the hummingbird’s wings can create a sacred space and its song can carry prayers to the heavens.

Understanding Native American spiritual beliefs

Understanding Native American spiritual beliefs is significant for several reasons.

  • First, it can help us appreciate the diversity and richness of the indigenous cultures of North and South America. They have often been marginalized and oppressed by colonialism and modernization.
  • Second, it can teach us valuable lessons about respect for nature, harmony with the environment, and the sacredness of life.
  • Third, it can inspire us to explore our own spirituality and connection with the universe. It can also provide spiritual guidance and wisdom that we can receive from our dreams, ancestors, and animal guides.

Native American spirituality is not a monolithic or uniform phenomenon. It is a complex and varied mosaic of beliefs and practices. This reflects the different histories, geographies, and cultures of the hundreds of tribes inhabiting America.

Some common elements that can be found in many forms of Native American spirituality are:

1. Creation of stories

These narratives explain how the world and humankind came into being and how the tribe relates to the universe. They often involve a creator deity or power, such as the Great Spirit or the Great Mystery, as well as other deities and spirits that participated in the creation process.

For example, an Iroquois tale tells of Tepeu and Gucumatz, who created the earth, the stars, and the ocean, and then made four two-legged beings who became the ancestors of the Iroquois people.1

2. Deities and spirits

Native American religions often honor a vast array of deities and spirits, some of which are creator gods, others are tricksters, deities of the hunt, and gods and goddesses of healing.

The term “Great Spirit” is often applied in Native American spirituality and refers to the concept of an all-encompassing power. Some Native tribes refer to this as the Great Mystery. In many tribes, this entity or power has a specific name.2

3. Animism

This is the belief that everything in nature has a spirit or soul, from stones to plants and animals to birds.

Native Americans believed that these spirits could serve as guides, protectors, or teachers for humans and communicate with them through dreams, visions, or rituals.3

4. Vision quests and spiritual journeys

These are practices that involve seeking a personal encounter with the sacred or divine. This is often done through fasting, isolation, meditation, or prayer.

The purpose of these quests or journeys is to gain insight, healing, guidance, or empowerment from one’s spirit helpers or animal guides.4

5. Medicine man and shamanism

These terms refer to individuals who have special abilities or knowledge to heal, communicate with spirits, perform rituals, or influence events.

They often act as intermediaries between the human and spiritual realms, using herbs, chants, drums, dances, or other methods to achieve their goals.5

6. Reverence of the ancestors

This is the belief that one’s ancestors are still present and influential in one’s life, and that they should be honored and respected. Native Americans often perform ceremonies or rituals to commemorate their ancestors, such as offering food, tobacco, or prayers.6

These are just some aspects of Native American spirituality that can be explored and appreciated by anyone interested in learning more about this fascinating and diverse subject matter.

The Hummingbird’s Spiritual Meaning in Native American Culture

In Native American cultures, the hummingbird represents symbol of love and joy, symbol of resilience and adaptation, spiritual guide, connection to nature, healing and medicine, timelessness and infinity, and messenger between the worlds. Let’s explore them all one by one.  

native american spiritual meaning of hummingbird
Native American spiritual meaning and symbolism of hummingbird

1. Symbol of Love and Joy

Hummingbirds are often associated with love and joy. Their vibrant colors and rapid, hovering flight patterns bring happiness and positivity to those who encounter them. They are seen as messengers of love and happiness.

2. Symbol of Resilience and Adaptation

Hummingbirds are remarkable for their ability to hover in mid-air, fly backward, and extract nectar from flowers with their specialized beaks. Native Americans often view this as a symbol of resilience and adaptability, teaching people to be flexible and creative despite challenges.

3. Spiritual Guides

In some Native American traditions, these little birds are considered to be spiritual guides or totem animals. They are believed to provide guidance and protection to individuals who resonate with the qualities and symbolism of the hummingbird.

4. Connection to Nature

It is believed that they are closely connected to the natural world, particularly to flowers and plants. They are seen as guardians of the environment. They are considered to encourage people to be mindful of their relationship with the earth and all of its living beings.

5. Healing and Medicine

Some Native American tribes believe that hummingbirds possess healing and medicinal powers. They use their symbolism in various healing rituals and ceremonies, believing that the hummingbird’s energy can help restore health and wellness balance.

6. Timelessness and Infinity

The ability of this innocent bird to rapid wing beats and hover, suggests a connection to timelessness and infinity in some tribal beliefs. They are often associated with the concepts of eternity and the eternal cycle of life (when life ends here it starts again somewhere else).

7. Messenger between worlds

Some Native American cultures view hummingbirds as messengers between the physical and spiritual worlds. They are believed to carry messages from ancestors and loved ones or from the spirit realm to the living ones.

It is important to note that the specific interpretations and significance of the hummingbird vary widely among different Native American tribes and communities.

The cultural symbolism and stories associated with the hummingbird are diverse and rich, reflecting the diversity of Native American traditions across North and South America.

Native American tribes and hummingbird spirituality

1. Zuni tribe

The Zuni tribe is one of the Native American Pueblo people who live in the Zuni River valley in western New Mexico, near the Arizona border. They have a rich and diverse culture, history, and spirituality that date back to the prehistoric Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi) civilization.

The Zuni tribe people believe that hummingbirds are protectors. They are protectors, especially for mothers and children. They fly around them, using their wings to deflect bad thoughts and evil spirits.

In one of their legends, two sisters fell in love with the same man. One of them asked the hummingbird to help her win his heart. The hummingbird agreed, but only if she would give him some of her blood.

She agreed, and the hummingbird flew over to the man and kissed him, transferring her blood to him. The man felt a strong attraction to the sister who gave her blood. Later on he married her.

The other sister was heartbroken and turned into a cactus flower. The hummingbird felt sorry for her and decided to visit her every day, drinking her nectar and giving her some joy. 7

The Zuni tribe also honors hummingbirds for their beauty and grace. They use hummingbird feathers to make jewelry and adornments that symbolize love, happiness, and intelligence. They also carve hummingbird fetishes, which are small animal figures that represent the spirits of nature and serve as protectors or helpers for their owners. The Zuni tribe considers hummingbirds sacred creatures that bring the gift of long life to those who respect their power.8, 9

2. The Cherokee tribe

The Cherokee tribe is one of the indigenous tribes of the Southeastern Woodlands of the United States.  Cherokee tribe spiritually believes that everything in the universe is connected and has a spirit. They say that humans have a responsibility to maintain balance and harmony among all living beings.

The Cherokee tribe and the hummingbird have a special connection in their legends and culture. The Cherokee people believe that hummingbirds are messengers from the other side, and they often appear in times of need or danger.

In addition, they believe that these little birds are sign of good fortune and have healing powers. So, they also use them preferably in ceremonies. They associate them with tobacco, a sacred plant used for prayer and healing.

One of the most famous Cherokee legends about the hummingbird is how it brought the tobacco plant to their people.

The story goes that long ago, people and animals had many similar characteristics. During this time, the Cherokee had only one tobacco plant, which the geese stole. At the same time, an older woman was near death, but no one could help her without the plant.10

A medicine man decided to turn himself into a hummingbird and fly after the geese. He managed to catch up with them and pluck a leaf from the tobacco plant. He then returned to his people and gave the leaf to the woman, who was cured by its smoke.

The medicine man also planted the leaf in the ground, and it grew into a new tobacco plant. The Cherokee were grateful to the hummingbird for saving their lives and restoring their sacred plant.

Another Cherokee legend tells of a woman who was courted by both a hummingbird and a crane. The hummingbird was small, beautiful, and agile, whereas the crane was large, dull, and clumsy.

The woman chose the hummingbird as her husband, but the crane was jealous and challenged him to race. The crane thought he could win by flying high in the sky, but the hummingbird flew low and fast, reaching the finish line first.

The crane was so angry that he attacked the hummingbird with his beak, but the hummingbird dodged his blows and pecked him back. The crane finally gave up and flew away, leaving the hummingbird and his wife in peace.

These are just some examples of how the Cherokee tribe and the hummingbird are related in their folklore and spiritual meanings. Hummingbirds are seen as symbols of love, joy, peace, and harmony by the Cherokee people. They are also respected for their courage, resilience, and intelligence.

3. The Navajo tribe

The Navajo tribe is one of the largest and most influential Native American groups in the United States. They have a rich and diverse culture, history, and language that span centuries and regions.

The Navajo tribe believe that these birds are healers and bringers of rain. They are also associated with fire because they can fly through flames without being burned.

The Navajo tribe believes that hummingbirds represent love and offer protection to those who seek it. They also see this little bird as a symbol of spiritual power and enlightenment.11

The story of the Navajo hummingbird goes back a long time. They narrate that, The Creator made all the animals, but when he got to the hummingbird, he ran out of time and only gave it a tiny body and wings. But what the Creator gave the hummingbird was an extra fighting spirit.  Therefore, they are often seen as symbols of resilience.

Another legend from the Navajo tribe tells of how the hummingbird taught them to gather pollen. The story states that one day a hummingbird flew over a field of flowers and saw a group of Navajo women who were trying to collect pollen for their ceremonies. The hummingbird noticed that they were using large baskets that were heavy and clumsy.

The hummingbird decided to help them by showing them how to use small pouches made of animal skin that were light and easy to carry. The hummingbird also showed them how to use its long beak to reach the pollen inside the flowers. The women were grateful to the hummingbird for its wisdom and kindness.

native american spiritual meaning of hummingbird

4. The Hopi tribe

The Hopi tribe is a group of Native Americans who live in northeastern Arizona on the edge of the Painted Desert. They are the westernmost branch of the Pueblo people, who have a long and rich history and culture in the Southwest region of the United States.

In the Hopi tribe, the hummingbird is a kachina, a spiritual thing or being that represents an aspect of nature or life. The Hopi call the hummingbird kachina Hú, Huhuwa, or Tithu. Among them, the hummingbird kachina is a symbol of love, beauty, and healing. It is also a messenger of rain and fertility, as the Hopi believe that the hummingbird can persuade the gods to bring water to dry land.

The hummingbird (kachina) appears in various ceremonies and dances, such as the Snake Dance, the Bean Dance, and the Flute Ceremony.

The Hopi also carved wooden dolls of the hummingbird kachina, which are given to children as gifts or used as teaching tools.

The hummingbird kachina has a green mask and green moccasins and carries a rattle and a feathered wand. The Hopi respect and honor the hummingbird kachina for its power and grace.

5. The Apache tribe

The Apache tribe is a group of Native American peoples who live in the southwestern region of the United States, mainly in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

The hummingbird is a sacred animal in the Apache tribe because it represents joy, love, and healing. The Apache believe that hummingbirds are messengers of the Great Spirit and that they bring good luck to those who see them.

In one legend, hummingbirds are said to be able to bring rain, and they are often associated with renewal and new beginnings. The Apache also believe that hummingbirds can help warriors in battle by giving them courage and strength. The hummingbird symbolizes endurance and perseverance.

The spiritual meaning of the hummingbird for the Apache tribe is that it is a sign of happiness, harmony, and beauty. The Apache associate the hummingbird with devotion, eternity, and life cycles. 

They depict the hummingbird as a couple, representing the bond between mates and the continuity of life. The Apache also believe that hummingbirds can teach us how to enjoy life and appreciate the sweetness of nature.

The Hummingbird in Art, Rituals and Ceremonies

Hummingbird dance

The hummingbird dance is a traditional Native American dance performed by different tribes. The dance is a celebration of the hummingbird, which is sacred to many Native American cultures.

The hummingbird dance is typically performed by women, although men can also participate. Dancers wear brightly colored clothing and often have hummingbird feathers in their hair and clothing. The dance is graceful and delicate that mimics the movements of a hummingbird.

The Hummingbird Dance is often performed at powwows and other Native American gatherings. It is also performed at ceremonies to invoke the hummingbird’s healing and transformative powers.

native american spiritual meaning of hummingbird

Here is a description of a typical hummingbird dance:

The dancers begin by standing in a circle. They then begin to move their arms and legs in a graceful and flowing motion. The dancers’ movements mimic those of a hummingbird, such as hovering in the air and darting from side to side.

The dancers’ clothing is often brightly colored and decorated with hummingbird feathers. This helps create a visually stunning and festive atmosphere.

The Hummingbird Dance is a beautiful and spiritual dance that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a celebration of the hummingbird and its many symbolic and spiritual meanings.

The Hummingbird Dance is also a reminder of the close connection between Native Americans and the natural world. The hummingbird is a sacred bird to many Native American tribes, and the Hummingbird Dance is a way for people to honor this special creature.

Hummingbird feathers

Hummingbird feathers are highly prized in Native American culture. They are considered sacred and powerful objects and are used in various ways.

Hummingbird feathers are often used in Native American ceremonial regalia. They are worn in headdresses, necklaces, and other garments. Hummingbird feathers are also used to decorate drums, rattles, and other musical instruments. They are believed to bring good luck and protection.

Hummingbird feathers are also used in Native American medicine. They are believed to have healing powers and are used to treat various ailments. Hummingbird feathers are also used to make smudge sticks, which are used to cleanse and purify people and places.

Feathers are often used in Native American prayers and ceremonies. They are believed to help in carrying prayers to the spirit world.

They are also used in divination practices. They are believed to be able to reveal information about the future.

Hummingbird feathers are also used in Native American dreamwork. They are believed to be able to help people understand their dreams and receive guidance from the spirit world.

Hummingbird art and painting in Native American culture

The hummingbird is a sacred bird in many Native American cultures and is often featured in Native American art and paintings. Such art can be found in various mediums, including painting, sculpture, beadwork, and weaving.

The meaning of hummingbird art in Native American culture varies depending on the tribe and the individual artist.

However, here are some specific examples of the meaning of hummingbird art in Native American culture:

  • A hummingbird painting on the wall of a Native American home might represent the joy and happiness that the hummingbird brings to the family.
  • A hummingbird sculpture at the entrance to a community building might represent the welcoming spirit of the community.
  • A humming beadwork on a Native American necklace might represent the love and devotion that the wearer has for her/his family or community.
  • Hummingbird weaving on a Native American blanket might represent the healing power of the hummingbird.
  • A hummingbird tattoo on a Native American person’s body might represent their personal transformation or connection to the natural world.

Hummingbird art is a beautiful and meaningful part of Native American culture. This is a way for Native Americans to celebrate the hummingbird, tell stories, and learn about their culture.

native american spiritual meaning of hummingbird

Hummingbird Jewelry for Native Americans

Hummingbird jewelry is often made of silver, turquoise, and other natural materials. This jewelry can be simple or complex, realistic or abstract.

Hummingbird jewelry is a beautiful and meaningful accessory among Native Americans. It is a way to celebrate the hummingbird and express love and devotion. It also appreciates beauty, promotes healing, and represents personal transformation.

Here are some specific meanings of hummingbird jewelry in Native American culture:

  • A hummingbird necklace: It might be worn by a mother to represent her love and devotion to her children.
  • A hummingbird bracelet: It might be worn by a student to represent their hope for a successful future and to guarantee success in his or her educational career.
  • A hummingbird earring: This is also an appreciated type of jewelry among Native Americans. It might be worn by a person who is going through a difficult time. It represents their strength and resilience.
  • A hummingbird pendant represents personal transformation. One can wear it to celebrate a personal transformation, such as recovery from illness or after graduation.

Hummingbird jewelry is a beautiful and meaningful way to connect with Native American culture and to celebrate the hummingbird’s many symbolic meanings.

native american spiritual meaning of hummingbird

Role of Shamans among Native Americans

Shamans play an important role in many Native American tribes. They are spiritual healers and intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds. They are often called upon to heal the sick, communicate with the dead, and provide guidance and counsel to their communities.

Native American shamans typically undergo a rigorous training period, which may include fasting, isolation, and visions. This training helps them develop their spiritual powers and learn the ways of the spirit world.

Shamans use various methods to heal and provide guidance, including:

  • Herbal remedies: They often use herbs and other plants to heal physical and emotional ailments.
  • Spirit communication: They can communicate with the spirits of the dead and other spirits. They may use this ability to diagnose illnesses, find lost objects, and provide guidance on important life decisions.
  • Rituals and ceremonies: They perform various rituals and ceremonies to heal the sick, bring good luck, and maintain balance between the human and spirit worlds.

Native American shamans are highly respected members of their communities. They are seen as wise and powerful individuals who can help people heal and connect with the spirit world.

Here are some specific roles that shamans may play in their Native American communities:

  • Healer: They are often called upon to heal the sick. They may use various methods such as herbal remedies, spirit communication, and rituals.
  • Counselor: They may also provide counseling to individuals and families. They may help people deal with difficult emotions, make important decisions, and find their purpose in life.
  • Storyteller: Shamans are often known as storytellers. They may tell stories about the creation of the world, the myths and legends of their people, and their own spiritual journeys.
  • Teacher: They may also teach others about the spirit world and the ways of their culture. They may train new shamans or help people develop their own spiritual powers.


In conclusion, the Native American spiritual meaning of hummingbird is deeply rooted in the beliefs and cultures of various tribes across North and South America.

The hummingbird is seen as a symbol of joy, love, and healing, with its small size and delicate beauty representing innocence and purity. It serves as a messenger of the spirit world in many myths and legends, delivering messages of hope and guidance and creating sacred spaces with its wings.

The symbolism and significance of the hummingbird vary among different Native American tribes, such as the Zuni, Cherokee, Navajo, Hopi, and Apache. These tribes view the hummingbird as a symbol of love, joy, resilience, spiritual guidance, connection to nature, healing, timelessness, and as messengers between worlds. Each tribe has unique stories and cultural interpretations that reflect the rich diversity of Native American traditions.

Hummingbird symbolism extends beyond stories and legends, as it is expressed through rituals, ceremonies, dances, and the use of feathers in regalia. Native American shamans play a crucial role in healing, providing guidance, and maintaining the connection between the human and spirit worlds. Hummingbird art and jewelry also serve as powerful means of celebrating and expressing the significance of the hummingbird in Native American culture.

Overall, the hummingbird holds a profound spiritual and cultural significance in Native American traditions, embodying a diverse range of meanings and teachings that continue to enrich and inspire those who explore this fascinating subject.



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